Organisms Democracy
The Parliament of Organism Democracy serves as tool for political representation of all citizens living on the state territory. It is structured according to the 7 organism groups / Parliamentary Groups.
Regular population censuses are carried out to determine the number of species which count as citizens. Citizens are all verifiable species living within the state territory.
From the 7 organisms groups -Worms and Mollusca, Arthropods, Trees Shrubs Climbers, Perennials Grasses Herbs, Fungi Mosses Lichens, Vertebrates, Bacteria Single Celled Organisms Viruses) , two species are randomly chosen as parliamentary representatives of their Parliamentary Group.
Furthermore, a species from the group of so called „Newly Established Species” or “Neobiota“ species is drawn (every organisms group contains such „new“ species) to ensure that this group of organisms is adequately represented.
All species chosen to represent their Organisms Group are allocated a human spokesperson. This human individual is committed to protecting the interests of the species and the Parliamentary Group.
The representative of an organism is sworn in on the Constitution; she has the right and the duty to bring conflicts of coexistence, proposed solutions and legislative proposals to Parliament.
For example, Aurelie Richards represented the Early Mining Bee and thus the arthropod group in the first session of the Organisms Parliament in Berlin.
Decision are taken by voting on the agenda items proposed to Parliament. Once taken by the Parliament of Organisms these decisions are implemented by the Executive and checked by the Constitutional Court.
Further information concerning the structure and chronology of the Organisms Parliaments can be found in the constitutions and the chronicle of the Organism Democracies in Berlin, Vienna and Freiburg and Gelsenkirchen.