Organisms Democracy
Parliamentary Group:
Trees Shrubs Climbers

Welcome to the Group of Trees, Shrubs and Climbers!
Ever since life has migrated from the sea to the mainland, we Trees, Shrubs and Climbers have formed the majority of biomass on this planet. Most living beings have adapted their life style to our existence; they use our bodies for their food and as a home. Our wood masses, our flowers, leaves and the substances contained in them help them to survive. read more We Trees, Shrubs and Climbers form societies such as the global forest areas, that have been thriving sustainably on Earth for millions of years and are model societies of biological diversity. However, the political rights of participation and representation have so far been denied to us by humans. They have been excluding us just like all other non-human beings. The emergence of Organisms Democracy is a glimmer of hope in the authoritarian “natural world” of human power. And our concerns as life and habitat providers must be represented with commitment and competence in this new form of democracy for everyone: Join us, support us as a parliamentary representative for a Tree, Shrub or Climber! read less