Organisms Democracy
Parliamentary Group:
Molluscs and Worms

Welcome to the Molluscs and Worms Group!
If the oppressed groups of a society can raise their voices and be heard, if previously unheard beings can suddenly express their needs and desires and question the current power structures of that society, then truly meaningful politics can take place. read more We worms and mollusks have been and continue to be suppressed and despised in most societies of today dominating the planet. Many groups of living things, above all humans, benefit from our work under and on the ground, in water and on land, but still we are neither seen nor heard politically. The chance to change this has now emerged through the rise of Organisms Democracies! Join us and represent one of the countless worms and molluscs living and working invisibly under ground or at dusk. Fight for our concerns in Organisms Parliament! Visit or establish an Organisms Democracy in your area and get to know us and our truly ground breaking and systemically relevant work! read less