Organisms Democracy
Member of Parliament
Dear visitor,
You are interested in becoming a member of parliament. That is wonderful! The more people participating, the better for Organisms Democracy!
Which Organisms Group would you like to support?
Here are the links to the 7 Organisms Groups (Parliamentary Groups)
- Molluscs and worms
- Arthropods
- Trees Shrubs Climbers
- Herbs Grasses Perennials
- Fungi Mosses Lichens
- Vertebrates
- Bacteria Unicellular Org. Viruses
- Neobiota-Newly est. Species
- voter´s guide (in german)
If “Mitmachen!-Participate” is written next to the name/ picture of a non-human species, you can register directly for the representation of this species and parliamentary group at the next session of Organisms Parliament in Berlin-or any other city on the schedule.
If there is no remark besides the species/citizen, it means that the next parliamentary session has not yet been scheduled. Anyway, you can still register for the next parliament or for a citizen representation.
We are looking forward to your email!
or directly email to: