Organisms Democracy

Parliamentary Group:

Herbs Grasses Perennials

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  • Welcome to the Parliamentary Group of Herbs, Grasses and Perennials!
    For the majority of us herbs, grasses and perennials, “natural development” of an eco system means displacement by forest-building trees. For this reason, we have often benefited from the influence of human living in the past. In the eternal fight for light, the great plant eaters among mammals were our first allies and – after their extinction or domestication – their human keepers became our protectors against the forest-building trees. read more Before the industrialization of agriculture and forestry, we used to have co-evolutionary relationships with humans. But this mutually beneficial state has changed radically for the majority of us herbs, grasses and perennials due to over-fertilization, monocultures, pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and far too frequent mowing in meadow landscapes 1. Due to these unfortunate developments we feel threatened by the absolute rule of the human species and see Organisms Democracy as our chance for a better future. Come to us and support us as a parliamentary representative for herbs, grasses and perennials! read less

    1 Federal Agency for Nature Conservation, Agricultural Report 2017: Biodiversity in the agricultural landscape