Organisms Democracy

Parliamentary Group:


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  • Welcome to the Parliamentary Group of Arthropods!

    The human science of biology attributes the most impressive biodiversity 1 to our Organisms Group, that means to us Insects, Spiders and Crustaceans. But simultaneously the same human species has been pursuing an aggressive policy of constant habitat and livelihoods destruction against the majority of our species for decades. This policy is linked to the trivializing term „decline in insect population 2. read more Some members of the human species also protest against our annihilation, but we say: We do not want to be annihilated or patronized! Give us the political rights that are justly ours as the majority of species on this planet! Organism democracy is a step towards real equality for all living beings. Put an end to the egotistical, psychopathic rampage of one single species against the life interests of millions of other species 3. Come to us and support Organisms Democracy as parliamentary representative of an insect, a spider or a crustacean! read less

    1 Lecointre/Le Guyader 2001 „Biosystematik“
    3 Lecointre/Le Guyader 2001 „Biosystematik“